I Have a Plan Iowa (IHAPI) is a career and academic planning program designed to help students reach their highest potential. Students can explore careers, colleges and majors, learn about financial aid, find scholarships, and much, much more. Iowa Code specifies that all Iowa students must create an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) that is aligned to the student’s career and academic goals. The ICAP requirement is for all students beginning in 8th grade. The basic requirements are to 1) prepare the student for successful completion of the required curriculum by graduation; 2) identify coursework in 9th-12th grade to support postsecondary education and career options; and 3) prepare the student to complete all essential components of a career information and decision-making system. The essential components include 1) self-understanding; 2) career information; 3) career exploration; 4) postsecondary exploration; and 5) career and postsecondary decision. At Gehlen Catholic, the I Have a Plan Iowa program is one tool used to help students achieve these goals.
I Have A Plan Iowa includes many useful features that help individuals:
All students will complete their grade-level IHAPI ICAP during the school year. Each student has a user ID and password to log into their personal account.